
16 Mar 2015

How to stop food cravings

I was reading the Easter edition of the Waitrose magazine and I came across a very interesting article about how to stop food cravings.

Follow a low glycemic diet when possible, avoiding sugar and refined carbohydrates. These foods give a sudden sugar high but I the space of at least half an hour they can quickly lead to hunger and and energy dips.

If you are in the midst of a craving, remove yourself from the situation and try to ignore your hunger. You could try going for a walk or calling a friend or even reading a book, to distract yourself from your hunger.

If want sugary snacks such as biscuits or chocolate, try swapping them for nuts, dried fruits or fresh fruits or vegetables such as a handful of tomatoes or raspberries.

Swap unhealthy savoury snacks such as crisps, roasted or salted peanuts for carrot sticks and houmous or olives,

I hope this is a helpful to stopping un healthy cravings!

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