
26 Aug 2013

Vegetarian Stir-Fry

Stir-Fry is a traditional Chinese dish that enables you to use your vegetables that have no idea what to do with! In this particular post I will be telling you exactly what you will need and , of course, the method of how to make this delicious dish!

You will need:

  • Sharp knives
  • Colander 
  • Chopping board
  • Large frying pan or wok
With a Stir-Fry you can use all sorts of fruit and vegetables; So make sure that you have a wide range of ingredients to make this dish really bring out the flavours and colours of the fruit and veg! As a tasty accompaniment to your stir-fry you could add some delicious noodles (see below for particular type.)
Here are just some ideas of what to use in your stir-fry:

Your finishing result!

  • Sober buckwheat noodles
  • Sweet corn (sliced fresh from the cob)
  • Yellow and/or green courgette
  •  Finley cut carrot
  • Runner and/or French beans
  • Shallot and crushed garlic
  • Walnut or sesame oil
  • Green thai paste
How to make.
Stir-Fry is a very easy dish to make, it doesn't involve any preparation (apart from the slicing of the noodles!)

  1. Chop and slice all of your ingredients until you have, what looks like, a raw salad.
  2. Place your pan on the hob and pour in about 1 tbsp of walnut or sesame oil and add your garlic and shallots.
  3. Add all ingredients to the pan apart from the corn and noodles.
  4. Gently stir the mixture and add a tsp on green thai paste (or more if you love your spice.)
  5. Then add the corn but do not over cook as to retain shape and crunch.
  6. For the noodles, first boil 1 pint of water, place in separate pan, bring to a rolling boil and cook noodles for 5 minutes. Cook to al dente! 
  7. Finally add the noodles to the stir-fry mix with 4 tbsp of rich teriyaki sauce and a sprinkling of soy sauce.
  8. Sit down with your family or friends to enjoy this wonderful dish.

I hope you enjoy this first addition to my new blog! Thank you for reading!!

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